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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Business! Is it your business?

Is business important to you? Do recessions matter to you? Do you care about business? Maybe you should.
Business can be found at many places around the world. Shops, stocks and bonds have to do with business. Of course, I am referring to those related to business. In this post, I am (probably) going to give you tips or gems of knowledge to do with business.
Market stocks, not market socks, are something that matters a lot in the common market. I am not referring to the "Pasar Malam" or "NTUC". I am referring to the "market". Yes, the "market". It might just be that I do not know how to explain this to you that I am doing this. I am, possibly, sorry. Anyway, you buy stocks of a company and you you get returns, a certain percentage, according to the returns of that company. Actually, and if I am not wrong, when you own a stock of a company, you own part of the company. The percentage is according to how many stocks of the company you have. You probably have to buy these stocks and I doubt that you would be able to catch them in the Nile river at midnight on 31 December.
Bonds are quite different. Bonds are like contracts. They give you a certain fixed amount of money every certain fixed amount of time. It might be that I wrote more to do with with stocks than bonds. I am again, possibly, sorry.
All these probably or usually cost money, and so, if you want to be a businessman, strategies might be needed. There are other things to do with business like short-selling, arbitration, futures and possibly a lot more but I am probably not about to type more about all these things in this post. You might want to do research, or you might not.
Would you like a chicken nugget with chocolate ice cream?

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